Do I really need
life insurance?
Life Insurance is designed to replace lost income or pay for your family's needs if you weren't around. Determining how much you should obtain and what kind of insurance requires asking yourself some questions:
How much insurance do I need?
Have I set up my insurance to take care of my children if both my spouse and I pass away?
What is the death benefit? Will it cover my debts and my family’s needs comfortably?
Is there a cash benefit to the policy?
Who are my beneficiaries? How should I structure the payout to those beneficiaries.
At Penny Lane Financial we believe in getting to know you and your unique situation before suggesting a plan. We encourage you to ask questions and learn more. There is no obligation for your FREE 1-hour consultation. We cover life insurance solutions that are designed to align with your personal goals and provide peace of mind. Give us a call and let's talk.